盤點 Taylor Swift《The Eras Tour》演唱會時尚造型:三小時演出換了 10 多套舞台服,從性感閃石緊身連衣褲到仙氣公主長裙!

Taylor Swift 巡迴演唱會 《The Eras Tour》之旅早前正式展開!這位樂壇天后一晚 3小時的演出一共換了 10 多套舞台造型——原來每一套都是向她自己過去的不同時期作致敬?

相隔5年,Taylor Swift 回來了!在上週五,這位樂壇天后率先在亞利桑那州 Glendale 開始了她備受期待、將合共開52場的《The Eras》巡迴演唱會之旅的首站。

不僅巡迴場次打破了記錄,去年11月演唱會門票開賣時,一日之內售出 240 萬張門票,刷新了歌手演唱會單日銷量紀錄。在這次長達三個小時的演唱會,Taylor Swift 一共表演了44 首歌曲,她的精彩演出更全靠一系列超強舞台裝得以完美演繹—— 在造型師 Joseph Cassell Falconer 設計下,她穿上了來自 Versace、Roberto Cavalli 和 Oscar de la Renta 等品牌的定制設計,更在短短一晚上便換上了 10多套造型。

In Roberto Cavalli
In Roberto Cavalli

Taylor Swift 的表演服裝非常別出心裁,而一眾粉絲或許很容易看出 Taylor  正透過舞台造型向她的過去致敬——從搖滾的閃石緊身連衣褲以至那向《Reputation》時期致敬的前衛的蛇形造型,每一套都呼應着不同時期的她。

至於誰是幕後功臣?是次演唱會造型全由 Joseph Cassell Falconer 負責設計,他為各種 Taylor Swift 標誌性造型帶來了「現代更新」。像當晚 Taylor Swift 穿上的 Roberto Cavalli 金色流蘇迷你連衣裙,便是參考了 在 2011 年 《Fearless》 巡迴演出中曾穿過Cavalli 造型。Roberto Cavalli 創意總監 Fausto Puglisi 為她表演 1989 設計了另一套造型,他更告訴 《Vogue〉:「這看來更像一個壞蛋,而且搖滾的造型。」

至於在她的《Reputation》時期,Taylor Swift 便以「蛇」為意象來呈現(當時 Taylor 的 haters 用蛇表情符號淹沒了她的社交媒體)。而她在她便特意用回這個符號作為一種反擊,她說道:「我想向你們傳達一個信息,如果有人在社交媒體上辱罵你,即使有很多人加入,也不一定會打敗你。」

每套服裝都與 Taylor Swift 的不同那個時代和氛圍保持一致,完美展示了她近二十年的職業生涯中所接受的不同美學。 Taylor Swift 以《Lover》專輯中的歌曲開場,她以炫目的 Versace 緊身連衣褲展現了專輯的柔和視覺氛圍,搭配了同樣閃亮的 Christian Louboutin 靴子,閃耀全場;而在表演 《Midnight〉 的〈Lavender Haze〉時,她則選擇了一身薰衣草紫、來自 Oscar de la Renta 的人造皮草外套,搭配珠飾 bodysuit;而在《Folklore》,Taylor Swift 則換上 Alberta Ferretti 和 Etro 的薄紗長禮服,仙氣逼人。

當然,最具戲劇性的時刻,是她穿上了 Nicole + Felicia 的全套公主禮服來表演《Enchanted》。 在演唱會場上,每一個造型都非常耀眼,這是 Taylor Swift 特意選擇用透過的舞台時尚來表達她表演的音樂。 而同樣的情緒來自設計師本身,他們大多數人都為她定制創作——Puglisi 說:「我一直想為音樂打造時裝。我們對工藝採取了手工的方法——當你在一個有這麼多人的場館為一場音樂會創作時,一切都必須引人注目。」

In Alberta Ferretti
In Alberta Ferretti

以下《Vogue》Hong Kong 為你盤點 Taylor Swift《The Eras Tour》演唱會各個時尚時刻:

GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 18: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage during 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 18, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management )
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 18: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage during 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 18, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management )
In Versace and Christian Louboutin
In Versace and Christian Louboutin
In Roberto Cavalli and Christian Louboutin
In Roberto Cavalli and Christian Louboutin
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
In Nicole + Felicia Couture
In Nicole + Felicia Couture
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
In Zuhair Murad
In Zuhair Murad
In Oscar de la Renta and Christian Louboutin
In Oscar de la Renta and Christian Louboutin
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)
In Etro
In Etro
In Oscar de la Renta
In Oscar de la Renta
In Oscar de la Renta and Christian Louboutin
In Oscar de la Renta and Christian Louboutin
In Alberta Ferretti
In Alberta Ferretti
GLENDALE, ARIZONA - MARCH 17: Editorial use only and no commercial use at any time. No use on publication covers is permitted after August 9, 2023. Taylor Swift performs onstage for the opening night of 'Taylor Swift | The Eras Tour' at State Farm Stadium on March 17, 2023 in Swift City, ERAzona (Glendale, Arizona). The city of Glendale, Arizona was ceremonially renamed to Swift City for March 17-18 in honor of The Eras Tour. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for TAS Rights Management)


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